The end goal of this site is my goal to take what I have learned and everything I will learn in the future and organize it in a way that will save you time, and thus quite literally large chunks of your life, in finding and organizing information that will help you realize your dreams and make your day-to-day life better! Quite literally, I get to make the world a better place by helping you and you’ll make the world a better place by hopefully poring over the resources on this site and applying it to your life and maybe even sharing it with others to help them.
So, where to start? This post will be a continual work in progress over time, as I modify and update it, to make it better. For now, my recommendation is just to click through the site, explore and read what interests you. As I start this site and start publishing there will not actually be any major organization. My first goal is just to start writing about topics that are fun and interesting to me and just get them out there where, I hope, many of you will find them interesting, helpful, and maybe even entertaining. I’m just going to roll with this and have fun with it.
Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this site as it develops.
Yours truly,
Mr. Freedom Ninja